When I Sing…

Why do we need music?
Some may say that it is not necessary. But I would beg to differ. I believe children with different abilities especially benefit from singing because it may enhance their cognitive capacities. Music also provides them with a space where they can learn to express themselves, even if their bodies can’t move in rhythm.
I know when things get stressful in our home, music always has a deep calming effect. We play music when we are joyful. We play music when we need a distraction from the world. We play music to remember our blessings. We play music to help us remember precious times. We played music every night for Robert.
I really cannot answer this question for anyone other than myself. I often turn to the soundtrack from the movie, “Chariots of Fire,” to hear the beautifully orchestrated melodic theme that serves as my phone’s ringtone. I also regularly repeat to myself this quote by Olympic athlete and missionary, Eric Liddell, whom “Chariots of Fire” is about:
“When I run, I feel His pleasure.”
I have altered this quote by one word, exchanging “run” for “sing.”
When I sing, I feel His pleasure.
For me, that is the only reason I need music.
Oh, I could give you many other reasons that I have for singing in public, such as:
I hope people will be deeply touched.
I pray that they will know that they are deeply loved.
I believe that music can change their perspective for the better.
But, when life surrounds me with pain and disappointment, I sing because I need to feel His pleasure—God’s pleasure. I need to know that He cares and is still able to be reached through the pain. It sounds very selfish, I know. I really sing to satisfy my needs? Yes. I need to feel His pleasure—at all times.
I wonder if you have found this to be true? How important is music in your life? Does your exceptional child enjoy music with you? I do what I do and teach what I teach because I know music is vital.
In Robert’s world and in the world of every exceptional child that I have the honor of teaching, music proves to be necessary—for them personally and for their families. I have shared this earlier. Music is crucial for this journey! It is for you, your child with a disability and your extended community. Robert’s life was full of music and singing. Not just my voice, but also almost every person who interacted with him.
Why do we need music? Because it is required as we walk this journey. So, sing for yourself, your child and to feel His pleasure.
Listening Library: He Will Hold Me Fast (Keith and Kristyn Getty)
Song Story (from Keith and Kristyn Getty) …“From the first time we heard this song written by Matt Merker, we felt it was a unique jewel that would be a comfort and encouragement to God’s people as we live out faith in these difficult times, whether in suffering, persecution or death. It reminded us of the Spirituals and also of the hymn, “We Rest on Thee” (which inspired the missionary Jim Elliot and the title of his biography, “Through Gates of Splendor”). Interestingly, the Finnish melody, “Finlandia,” is also the melodic basis of the hymn, “Be Still My Soul,” that was the favorite hymn of Eric Liddell, famous Olympic gold medalist who retired early from Sport to return to China, home of his birth, and serve as a missionary.
“But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love; for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” (Psalm 59:16 NIV)
He Will Hold Me Fast
When I fear my faith will fail Christ will hold me fast When the tempter would prevail He will hold me fast I could never keep my hold Through life’s fearful path For my love is often cold He must hold me fast
He will hold me fast He will hold me fast For my Savior loves me so He will hold me fast
Those He saves are His delight Christ will hold me fast Precious in His holy sight He will hold me fast He’ll not let my soul be lost His promises shall last Bought by Him at such a cost He will hold me fast
For my life He bled and died Christ will hold me fast Justice has been satisfied He will hold me fast Raised with Him to endless life He will hold me fast Till our faith is turned to sight When he comes at last
Original words VV 1-2 by Ada Habershon. New words and music by Matt Merker.
© 2013 Getty Music Publishing (BMI)/Matt Merker Music (BMI) (Admin by MusicSercices.org)