Love Letters to...Dear Girlfriends

We all have them ... girlfriends who have poured into our lives, and writing them a letter of thanks would cost us only a few minutes time. But, it could make their day. Three of my girlfriends mailed me a card this week, and I felt so seen and loved. These photos represent only a few of the women that have graced my life. Take a minute. Write your girlfriend a letter! 💜

Dear Girlfriends...
You know me so well. You know the quirky things I do and the awkward things I say. You are the iron that sharpens me every time I am with you. You have seen my metaphorical glass half full, and my glass completely empty of any hope. You have challenged me when I have not walked in truth. You have stood in the gap for me and defended me when I had no backbone. You have loved me when I was unlovable and filled with hurt. You, my sister-girlfriends, have been God’s gift of His presence in the flesh.
I didn’t know you existed in so many forms! Growing up as we moved from base to base as a military family, I always knew my two sisters (and the best brother on the planet) would stand with me, but I had no confidence that new girlfriends in a new school would accept me. It was a common fear for me and seems to be a real concern for many military kids. I put on a good face, but just hoped that I could find one girl in each school to call a friend. I didn’t need a group of girls, just one.
Penny in Pennsylvania, Gail in Germany, and several others throughout my years were my “go-to” girls. I didn’t know how to befriend large groups of females because I think I was very guarded. But as a young mother, you surrounded me in ways that I didn’t know was possible. I was prepared as a military wife to put on that same good face, but you worship team members, Bible study friends, physician wives’ groups, and traveling partners slowly broke down my wall to see that I was loved unconditionally. You opened up my heart to so many new joys that come only in a group of loving women. You allowed me to become vulnerable just because you were transparent with me.
I am sure many of you may think this love letter to my girlfriends is silly and unnecessary. However, when was the last time I looked one of you in the eye and voiced my love for you? I think we don’t do it enough! Life is short. I don’t want any of you to believe that I think I have made it without your place in my life. So, in my last love letter in February, I commit to walk with you in love and honesty.
Thank you, my sisters and girlfriends, for that gift. Your willingness to be the twos, threes, fours, eights, and many other sized groups for me has infused my life with a beautiful fragrance. You are rare treasures. You probably didn’t realize that just being present had this kind of impact, but I want you to know for the record that you have done that for me.
If I never say it directly to you in the years to come, let me say it today: You have changed me for the better. You are the friends that helped me to survive new locations. You gave me wisdom and clarity when I didn’t know how to walk as a caregiver. You held me through the deep pain and mourning of losing Robert. You have continued to make me laugh and do unbelievable things on my journey.
I am here, standing strong because of your friendship and love. I will not take you for granted. I will only try to be the same kind of girlfriend to you … loyal, present and full of God’s grace.
You, my girlfriends, are the real deal. Thank you for sharing life with me.
Listening Library: “Good Friends” (Maren Morris)
“A friend loves at all times … ” (Proverbs 17:17 NIV)
Good Friends
Sometimes I don't understand you Sometimes you don't understand me Bridges are burning all over But not on our street Sometimes you take me for granted Sometimes I can be backhanded But you got my back while I'm holding your hand What else do we need?
'Cause we're good friends We don't ask why We just show up at each other's house unannounced In the middle of the night
We got history No conditions You don't ever have to worry, yeah, I'll keep you sturdy 'Cause we're good friends, yeah
Some folks are fair-weather Some just drift in and out At my worst or my better You always stick around
And if we live to a hundred Or through to the next drink I swear to God on my heart Nobody will know you like me
'Cause we're good friends We don't ask why We just show up at each other's house unannounced In the middle of the night
We got history No conditions You don't ever have to worry, yeah, I'll keep you sturdy 'Cause we're good friends, yeah
Too much love Too much dirt, too much time Wouldn't change Couldn't leave if we tried Oh, too much love Too much dirt, too much time Wouldn't change Couldn't leave if we tried
'Cause we're good friends Yeah, we're good friends (yeah)
'Cause we're good friends We don't ask why We just show up at each other's house unannounced In the middle of the night It's no mystery It's a given You don't ever have to worry, yeah, I'll keep you sturdy 'Cause we're good friends
Yeah, good friends Oh, good friends
Songwriters: Greg Kurstin / Natalie Hemby / Maren Morris
Good Friends lyrics © Emi April Music Inc., Kurstin Music, Centricity Songs, Capitol Cmg Genesis, Songs Of Universal Inc., Full Heart Music, Wrucke For You Publishing, Heroes And Halos Music, Pubalicious