Ten years today. Thank you for finding me.
Now I know that I do not have to walk alone doing the hard things. That’s what I have learned over these ten years. Most caregivers have...
Juli Henderson
Feb 54 min read

Two Roberts to Remember
the strength he gave me as he sat in silence next to me at our son Robert’s own “Celebration of Life Service."
Juli Henderson
Jul 30, 20243 min read

Waving Through My Window
Today I feel like I am on a fast-moving train waving through my window to you, dear reader. I am grateful that you still see me, and you...
Juli Henderson
Jun 27, 20233 min read

One hundred is one of those numbers that sticks with you. When you hear it, it has a gravitas, a sense of importance. One hundred years...
Chris Henderson
Jun 6, 20235 min read

Ask Juli: “How will I know?”
No, it’s not about the Whitney Houston song! Even though that would be a great song to dive into … not for today. Today, I am doing my...
Juli Henderson
May 16, 20237 min read

Love Letters to...Dear Girlfriends
We all have them ... girlfriends who have poured into our lives, and writing them a letter of thanks would cost us only a few minutes...
Juli Henderson
Feb 21, 20234 min read

Child’s Room Refresh - Take Two!
As you may have seen in our earlier blog posts, Heidi Lentz and I enjoyed a wonderful visit with the Sutton family, winners of the In Our...
Juli Henderson
Jul 12, 20221 min read

Dear Me …
Dear Juli Anne, You don’t know it yet, but you will find peace in the middle of your storms .... Throughout my years as a mom, I would...
Juli Henderson
Jul 6, 20226 min read

What Changed My Life
(An unedited essay by James Henderson III, as a fifth-grade student) “Oh my gosh!” my mom screamed in the car as my brother, Robert,...
Juli Henderson
Jun 29, 20226 min read

I sat and watched my 18-year-old son shake in the hospital bed, his eyes rolling up and away. This time, it was only about 30 seconds...
Chris Henderson
Feb 9, 20226 min read