Cell Phones & Hospitals
“What’s wrong?” “I’m headed to the hospital with Robert, and my phone is dying! I can’t get it to work right. Ugh!” “Which hospital? ...
Juli Henderson
Jun 16, 20213 min read

A Tribute to Motherhood
by Chris Henderson So much of life consists of daily interactions and activities shaped by circumstances. We walk this path day in and...
Chris Henderson
May 26, 20216 min read

Will you get better?
"What am I supposed to do if there's no you?” The first time I heard the song, “Soon You’ll Get Better” by Taylor Swift, I immediately...
Juli Henderson
May 5, 20213 min read

I wish...
“I wish you would just die!” Six words. I wish so many things. I wish that I were a voracious reader like my parents, my sister, husband...
Juli Henderson
Apr 21, 20213 min read

A Friend
The sofa in our bedroom was covered with clean laundry just waiting to be put away. It just needed 30 minutes of my time, but I didn’t...
Juli Henderson
Mar 17, 20213 min read

Orchids Abounding
“There’s a protea in there! That flower is not an orchid. It has to be taken out.”
Juli Henderson
Feb 7, 20213 min read

Pace Yourself
“Tell Juli to pace herself.”
Juli Henderson
Feb 7, 20213 min read