One hundred is one of those numbers that sticks with you. When you hear it, it has a gravitas, a sense of importance. One hundred years...
Chris Henderson
Jun 6, 20235 min read

“You’re The Best!”
Wow! “The Robert C. Henderson Award” is a beauty. Who would have dreamed it could be possible? Christina Martinez and I brainstormed...
Juli Henderson
May 2, 20232 min read

Life Doesn't Have to be Perfect to be Wonderful
Written by: Jessica Lohmeyer and shared by my dear friend Heather Stolle. “Suffering nourishes grace. God is patiently transfiguring all...
Jessica Lohmeyer
Apr 25, 20235 min read

On my birthday, I need your help...
Well, it's my birthday, again! 🎂 In light of the many lives that have touched my life with their stories of bravery and strength, I...
Juli Henderson
Apr 11, 20231 min read

Love Letters to...Dear Girlfriends
We all have them ... girlfriends who have poured into our lives, and writing them a letter of thanks would cost us only a few minutes...
Juli Henderson
Feb 21, 20234 min read

Love Letters to...Dear Favorite Children
Dear favorite children... Jessica Lynn, Eliotte Nicole, James Henry III, Victoria Anne, and Robert Christopher. You make my life...
Juli Henderson
Feb 14, 20236 min read

Wow, So Amazing
Mary and I are seven years apart, we were told by an astrologist at the Ocala, FL Strawberry Festival that “according to NASA” the moons...
Suzanna Hendricks
Jan 10, 20233 min read

The Gift of Giving
Christmastime is my favorite time of the year. There are many reasons, not the least of which is because it is the traditional time for...
Melanie Walker
Dec 6, 20223 min read

You Will Not Suffer Long
You will not suffer long? I was riding in the car and had a deep need to hear a song. It was a Saturday morning, and I was off to run a...
Chris Henderson
Nov 1, 20226 min read

Are You Able?
As usual, I’m here trying to figure out how to make my wife happy. She looks at me and says it’s time for you to write a blog. Like most...
Chris Henderson
Sep 20, 20224 min read